Gib Kerr
George Washington: The Original American Badass
Summary: (Before He Was A Dead White Guy), George Washington Was A Revolutionary Freedom Fighter and A Rock Star of His Day Too many of…
Gib Kerr
Toxic Cancel Culture is Destroying America
Summary: Cancel culture is destroying American culture and tearing our country apart. Cancel culture is all about tearing things down. It is inherently destructive. It…
Gib Kerr
Should Robert E. Lee Be Erased?
Summary: Robert E. Lee saved Washington College (now Washington & Lee) in the aftermath of the Civil War, yet the University discontinued the practice of…
Summary: (Before He Was A Dead White Guy), George Washington Was A Revolutionary Freedom Fighter and A Rock Star of His Day Too many of today’s youth have...
Summary: Cancel culture is destroying American culture and tearing our country apart. Cancel culture is all about tearing things down. It is inherently...
Summary: Robert E. Lee saved Washington College (now Washington & Lee) in the aftermath of the Civil War, yet the University discontinued the practice of...
Summary: Not all Confederates were bad. And not all Union soldiers were good. Misrepresentation of our heritage sows division and weakens our country. The stories...
Summary: America could soon face a constitutional crisis when and if Democrat Socialists like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez come to power in Washington. The...
Summary: Academic bias has never been worse in America. Higher education has been completely hijacked by leftists who have destroyed our top universities. But...
Summary: Political fiction is not only an age-old art form, but it is also a highly effective way to influence culture and popular opinion. Throughout...